If you receive this error, don't worry! This is a known issue caused by certain updates to Microsoft Windows. The steps below should help you through.
Before we start, please check that your system is equipped with an Intel or AMD Processor. ARM or Qualcomm processors are currently not supported by the Sawgrass Print Manager and can experience Visual C++ error messages when trying to install our software. If you are unsure, please check your Device Specifications.
If you are running an Intel or AMD CPU, then please proceed:
- First, close out of the Sawgrass Print Manager installation process through the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Escape on your keyboard at the same time). Select the installation and End Task.
- Next, please click this link to install a patch, but don't open it just yet! You can also manually go to the website here: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
- Once finished, open up your Downloads folder. There should be a program there listed as "VC_redist.x64"
- Right click on this program and choose Run as Administrator
- Once the program has loaded, please choose Repair.
- Try installing SPM again! You should be good to go from here.
If the issue is still occurring after doing the steps listed above, please perform the steps below as there may be an issue with the Redistributable files.
- Microsoft's support page for these types of issues can be found here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/windows-fix-problems-that-block-programs-being-installed-or-removed
- We recommend downloading the Troubleshooter on that page and choosing Uninstalling.
- Run the program once downloaded
- Select Uninstalling
- Select and Remove the Microsoft VC++ Redistributable files, then hit Next.
- Now Select Yes, try uninstall
- Once finished, you will need to reinstall the Redistributable which can be found Here.
If you are still experiencing issues or have further questions, please contact our Sawgrass Care Team for assistance by click the 'Support' button on the bottom right of the page, or click here.