How-To: Manage Custom Paper Sizes

This article will review how to View, Add and Remove page sizes from Sawgrass Print Utility.



Adding a Custom Size

If the paper size you currently have is not figured in the Media Size list, you can simply add by selecting the Custom option from the Sawgrass Print Utility Print Settings window.

  1. Click the Media Size dropdown menu and select Custom.

  2. You will now have the option to set your own Width and Dimensions. Once you have set your desired dimensions, click Save Custom Size.

  3. Specify a name for your new Custom Size, in this instance, we'll name it A5.

  4. You will now see your new Media Size in the list.


Removing or Renaming Page Sizes

  1. On the main Sawgrass Print Utility window, select Settings.

  2. Select Manage Page Sizes

  3. Now you will find listed all available Media Sizes that are within Sawgrass Print Utility.
  4. From here you can either remove or decide to rename them. Should you have made any changes, you can revert these by clicking Restore Defaults.

Adding New Page Sizes When Printing from Another Software.

If you are looking to add more page sizes, you will need to do this from within the Send to Sawgrass Print Utility Virtual Driver, if printing using the File > Print method. These however will no appear in the Manage Page Sizes list in the Sawgrass Print Utility software.

You can access the Send to Sawgrass Print Utility settings from within your printing software or via Printers & Scanners, as shown below.

  1. Select Manage then Printing Preferences.

  2. Click the small "+" icon next the page size dropdown.

  3. Next, enter the Form Name and the desired page size dimensions and click Add Form.
    Important: Please ensure you have the correct unit of measure selected. This will either be in metric (cm) or English (in). If the entered size does not appear after adding the new form, it is often because the size is too large, usually as a result of entering the dimension in an incorrect unit of measure.

  4. If all done correctly, your new form will appear in the page size list in the Send to Sawgrass Print Utility virtual Driver.